Quickfire Interview
Jobleads helps HR and recruitment agencies get updated job leads with relevant contact information within 30 minutes of the position being available. Read below
Quickfire Interview
Project Launched: January 2023
Founders: Cas Van Oort , Ruben Strootman
MRR: $12,000 MRR (Updated 2nd of November 2023)
First Customer: It took about 2 months, which was through Joblead's founder's existing network.
How did you come up with the idea of Jobleads?
I've been doing the service of Jobleads for a while for recruitment firms: Scrape job postings in their niche, filter the jobs, enrich the postings, and send as a CSV to recruitment clients so they know who to focus on. The issue was that filtering the leads took lots of time, and for the client, you'd rather know the instant a job came out, not 5 days later.
How did Jobleads get its first profitable customers?
I shared it with my network and then appeared as a guest on an instantly.ai podcast, which was awesome. It gave me a couple of new clients.
Who is Jobleads ideal customer, and how do you acquire them?
Joblead's ideal customer are midsize recruitment firms who are taking on new clients or are breaking into new niches. They have most likely tried to build a scraper before, have a VA doing the work now, or have their own system running. We also see companies that have wanted to have a service do this for long, but they just didn't find a solution yet.
What have you struggled with when building Jobleads so far?
What I've struggled with is that building software when you don't know how to code is a lot more time and money intensive than I thought when I began. Because I had no formal investors, the tool was subpar to say the least, and only recently I feel like the tool lives up to its potential. It meant we had a lot of churn early on, which gave me a lot of stress.
What gives you and Jobleads that unfair advantage over new entrants into the market?
We are experienced recruiters ourselves, so we know what they need.
What is Joblead's main marketing strategy going forward?
Going on podcasts and writing blog posts. Ensuring that possible clients see me all day, every day. We will also start a paid strategy soon to boost our sales.