How This Comment Helped GetMyMFA Become a $1250 MRR Business

Quickfire Interview


GetMyMFA helps you achieve global End-To-End test coverage on Two-Factor / Multi-Factor authentication flows, submit your iOS and Android apps in a straightforward way, and perform Robotic Process Automation without bypassing security features. Read below

Quickfire Interview

Project Launched: Oct 2021
Founder: Jonathan Bernales
MRR:  $1250 MRR (Updated 31st Of July 2023)
First Profitable Customer: Around 10 days as described here

How did you come up with the idea of GetMyMFA?

“GetMyMFA came up as an idea after trying to submit an iOS and Android application with SMS-based 2FA enforced for all production accounts and having it rejected by the reviewer. GetMyMFA allows reviewers to receive SMS-based 2FA codes through a web interface.”

How did GetMyMFA get its first profitable customers?

“A comment was shared in the Apple forum of somebody who had the same need:”

What have you struggled with when building GetMyMFA so far and how has this shaped your business?

“As this need is a very niche market, the current struggle is getting sufficient growth to make this a highly profitable project.”

What gives you and GetMyMFA that unfair advantage over new entrants into the market?

“Straight to the point UX/UI - Uniquely branded as a specialised product for Application submission and end-to-end test automation”

What is your main growth strategy for GetMyMFA going forward?

“TBD, that is a current pain point we have”

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