Quickfire Interview
Dopplio lets you personalize the spoken words + backgrounds of a video forever via AI-generated videos, so you can reach more prospects with less effort. Read below
Quickfire Interview
Dopplio's Launch:
It took us about a week from launch to first sale (which came from our network)
How did you come up with the idea of Dopplio?
Dopplio solved a big problem everyone in our network was facing. We were all recording cold Loom videos for sales, which worked well but took hours per day. Dopplio gave everyone hours of their day back.
How did Dopplio get its first profitable customers?
First sales came from our network of recruiting business owners (We previously ran a healthcare recruiting agency that recently got acquired.)
What Dopplio Struggled With:
UI was a tough problem, learning that any ambiguity would lead to confused/angry users -- we had to make it dead simple to use (which we're still working on)