Using Controversial Content to 7x Agencies Growth


Content Marketing

How to use controversial content to accelerate your virtual assistant agencies growth. Read below


Nick Huber transformed a Virtual Assistant agency into a 7-figure business through monthly tweets.

Before Nick Huber's Twitter involvement, the VA agency was already pulling in $50,000 per month. However, his Tweets took the agency to the next level, helping it generate multiple seven figures in annual profits.

Nick's method involves posting monthly tweets of controversial content that stir up quoted retweets and engagement with people, believing that the 'VA agency is exploiting talent from the Philippines with salary rates of only $5/hr.'

How Nick Huber promotes Support Shepherd

100s of people quote every post, but what they don't realize is that they are extending the content's reach, exposing it to potential business owners who are interested in the benefits of hiring offshore.

What's interesting is that Nick's tweets wouldn't get nearly as much attention if he focused on the fact that the VA agency pays VA's 50% more than the local salaries they get in the Philippines.


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