How I Generate 20-60K Targeted Views per Reddit Post

Case Study

Content Marketing

how i generate thousands of targeted views from Reddit posts, that turn into newsletter subscribers and blog traffic. Read Below.

Case Study

1/ Identify Key Subreddits

First, figure out the best subreddits where your target audience hangs out.

Here are 2 subreddits that have had the best results for my marketing case studies and examples so far:

I use Gummysearch (affiliate link) to identify which subreddits are trending so I can find opportunities to post content and comment in the right places, similar to how I use Reddit discussions to create blog posts.

2/ Catchy Titles Matter

80% of your success is in your post's title. I've seen big differences in how many people click based on the title alone, and If a post doesn’t hit 1000 views in the first hour, I usually delete it and try a new title the next day.

  • Your title needs to bring emotions/curiosity(Either including common/Influential names, $$MRR updates, or targeted experiences)
  • It is personalized for that specific community.

Constantly experiment with different titles. Think of yourself as the end user looking for content to read on Reddit.

2.1/ Story-Style Title

'John Deere’s 118-Year-Old Content Marketing Strategy'

Why does this have a viability factor?

  • Everyone knows John Deere.
  • 118-year-old content marketing sounds like a 'shock' factor.
  • 118 years old and still going means that the strategy has longevity.

2.2/ Guide-Style Title

'Here’s Why You Should Gamify Your SaaS Like ProdPad'

Why does this have a variability factor in R/SaaS?

  • The title is targeted specifically for the SaaS community.
  • 'Gamify' sounds like a unique topic that is not often discussed.
  • 'Here's why you should' potentially suggests that reading this might make the end user feel smarter.

2.3/ Case Study Style Title

‘How the First Human Elevator Got Its Early Sales’

  • Insight into the early origins of a widely used product.
  • Curiosity to see how it got its first sales.

3/ Preview Text

  • Your preview text needs to share the inputs and no signs of ‘self-promotion’ by adding external links to your product/website.
  • It needs to guide users to click and continue reading the entire post.

4/ Body Text

  • Use pictures to keep people interested. I like to include links in my images that subtly point to my website or social media.
Example's Of Soft-Promoting In Your Images
  • Reddit likes 'long-form' content, so prioritize detail content, but do not add 'fluff' to make it look longer. Every sentence should provide value.
  • Naturally, link to your site, ensuring it’s relevant to your writing. The easiest way to self-promote with a high upvote % is to link to your site’s blog ‘to find more content like this.’
Example Of a Value-Driven CTA

5/ Engagement

  • Respond to every comment you get, but save 2-3 comments to reply to in 3 hours.
  • When the upvotes and replies slow down, comment under these unchecked ones. This will keep the post ‘hot,’ and more people will find your post.

Over time, you will determine when the subreddit members are most active and optimize your post times accordingly. I usually post only when the R/entrepreneur has around 1000 active members.

More Examples
More Examples

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This is some text inside of a div block.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

This is some text inside of a div block.

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