How This File Management Software Got Its First Customer

Quickfire Interview


Manage repetitive documentation requests in organized portals with amazing tracking capability. Featuring e-signatures, digital forms, file requests, reminders, and detailed, real-time tracking. Read below

Quickfire Interview


Boilerplate launched in 2019 and is now making $5000 MRR

Clients Results:

Boilerplate has helped its clients collect thousands of documentation requests from clients, employees, contractors, vendors, applicants, enrollees, borrowers, investors, and more.

How Boilerplate Got Its First Customers:

Boilerplate got its first profitable customers by hand holding them to ensure they're successful. Think of trying to get someone to ski for the first time. Are they more likely to succeed if you drop them in the parking lot with a big pile of gear, or get them dressed and take them to the top of the bunny slope?

What Boilerplate Struggled With:

Boilerplate lacked basic functionality that our early competitors already had (e-signatures), and then deciding to built it ourselves (which took years) rather than implementing an off-the-shelf solution that could've been live in days.

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