How Mike Blumenthal Grows B2B SaaS Companies

Case Study

Email Marketing

SaaS Lead Flow's cold email strategy to win clients for SaaS businesses. Read below.

Case Study

In this growth analysis, I spent a few hours going through Mike’s tweets, posts, and podcasts to understand how he approaches growing B2B SaaS companies.

So if you’re into a business that:

  • Offers a productized marketing service
  • Focuses on solving marketing problems for founders
  • Anyone can implement with a few reasonable tech tools


Mike Blumenthal, known as SaaS Launch Partner on X, has been building SaaS companies with founders since 2016.

His story, beginning as a growth marketing enthusiast with a knack for understanding customer behaviors

His first SaaS grew from 0→ 6,000 users by cold calling dentists from his college house while leveraging cold email and SEO. He helped a few founders from Harvard go from an idea to $8.5M Series A funding and win Forbes 30 under 30.

This year, he took a new approach, embarking on a service-based business journey that reshapes the way B2B SaaS businesses approach lead generation, ultimately leading to Mike’s first exit which landed the founders on CNBC.

Mike Blumenthal's First Exit

SaaS Lead Flow Productized Service

SaaS Lead Flow is more than just a lead generation service, they provide a 90-day done-for-you service with training AND an outbound engine for your B2B SaaS to use for years to come.

The turning point for Mike came when he realized marketing strategies for B2B SaaS were expensive, inefficient, and lacked personalization.

This led him to experiment with a few lead lists for email and LinkedIn. Soon he was bringing founders 30+ demos per month.

His service helps busy founders go from DIY sales to DFY scaling the number of prospects and appointments taken by the team each week.

SaaS Lead Flow Chart

Why the Business Thrives:

Most SaaS companies hit a ceiling between Product-Market Fit (PMF) and Go-To-Market (GTM) fit.

What does that mean?

The founder has been incredible at selling up to this point, but they can’t do it all

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Lead Generation
  • Customer Support
  • Product/Engineering

There is too much to do in the day and that’s where SaaS Lead Flow steps in.

A Done-For-You outbound lead generation system is very appealing to Head of Sales and SDRs at SaaS companies because they can spend more time selling and less time prospecting.

Does Outbound Really Work?

Mike gave me an exclusive look under the hood with a few of his clients IdealTraits.

They’ve climbed to several $M in ARR primarily through referrals and trade shows. You can imagine how this would lead to inconsistent lead flow. It hindered their growth and sales efforts.

In Q4 2023, Mike took a large, qualified lead list and turned it into $45,000 in revenue.

The messaging, targeting insurance agents looking to hire, was simple yet elegant.


Subject: Good morning [first name]


Are you hiring right now?

There are countless applicants in our database looking for Farmers jobs in your area code.

Reply “hiring” and I’ll tell you more about it


Subject: [first name], are you hiring?


Hey {{firstName}}

We are helping dozens of Farmers agents hire in your area.

If we could provide you with 5-10 resumes of qualified ins applicants in the next 30 days

{{RANDOM | Would that be interesting to you? | Reply "hiring" and ill send you access right away }}

Here is a real response from a prospect days before Thanksgiving..

SaaS Lead Flow Response

The results speak for themselves..

SaaS Lead Flow Results

In 8 weeks of emailing, Mike’s campaigns produced more than $45,000 in ARR averaging 30+ meetings per month for the sales team.

SaaS Lead Flow Deals Closed

So what is SaaS Lead Flow’s growth strategy?

Mike has an extensive network of founders from his own previous ventures. He taps into communities and builds meaningful connections with people by leading with value.

Simultaneously he is growing his brand on X and LinkedIn to expand the reach of his content and expertise.

SaaS Lead Flow Tweets

Even after 10 months of building a personal brand, the majority of revenue comes from connections and referrals from happy clients.

Mike believes in offering value first. He is a wealth of knowledge in the SaaS space and ability to empathize with founders is fantastic.

Why Done-For-You is better for Busy Founders

While Mike has been doing growth marketing and building with founders for 7+ years, the “aha” moment came when he realized technical founders will sabotage and slow down marketing activities.

With that in mind, he decided to take control over the process and build a system external to the company. After 90 days, the founder can request to take it over and Mike will transfer everything over to the team.

He often steps in to consult as an advisor or Fractional CMO with clients because of his extensive experience in building SaaS companies.

Check out SaaS Lead Flow for more information.

SaaS Lead Flow
SaaS Lead Flow

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